Celebrating International Women’s Day

lene groth

Every year on 8 March, International Women’s Day is celebrated to commemorate and honour women’s accomplishments, raise awareness about gender disparities and discrimination, as well as promote global support for women.

At STARK Group, we aim to grow a diverse and inclusive culture that mirrors the diversity of the societies that we are part of. We want to create a workplace that ensures equal treatment and opportunities for all employees. 

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we have created an International Women’s Day page on starkgroup.dk. The page includes a letter from our CHRO, Lene Groth, alongside stories from colleagues working across branches and our offices. Here’s a link to the page. International Women’s Day : STARK Group

Lene Groth, Group CHRO, has issued a personal post on LinkedIn reflecting on International Women’s Day and the entire DE&I agenda. Click here for Lene’s post

You can find out more about International Women’s Day by clicking this link. https://www.internationalwomensday.com

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